The Home Office is the brain of the home. The Queen Bee needs a place she can think and where she can organize her hive and write down her plan for the week. Where is your thinking, planning, writing area?
It’s helpful to have a control center and a home office.
If you are limited on space, then the kitchen table, local library, or a patio table outside could be a great planning area for you. The key is to have a place where you can plan without interruption. One great time to plan is while all your bees are sleeping because you can think without distractions and interruptions. Working on a patio table outside may also work if the children will play in the sandbox or outside and allow you to think and write for a few minutes.
Items for your Home Office:
- a sturdy desk
- good lighting
- lined paper
- pencil/ pen
- 3-ring binder
- clipboard (optional: helpful to have for family meetings or lists)
- tab dividers
- a filing cabinet: a milk crate works great, or a 2 or 4 drawer file cabinet
- 100 hanging file folders
- 100 manilla file folders
- calender
- trash can
A sturdy L-shaped desk was created by placing melamie board on top of several 2 drawer file cabinets. That was quick and easy.
This Queen Bee was limited on space so she create her home office in a closet in her dining room right off the kitchen. That way the paper mess stayed hidden, but her home office was at her fingertips so she can have quick access to everything she needs.
These large labels make it easy to find supplies in a home office. The drawer labels were printed on copy paper and put on with packing tape. Laminating the labels like this makes them stay better looking since they can’t get dirty or rip easily.