Here’s the Top 10 Tools to Get Organized:
- P-touch Brother Labeler & T-Z tape refills for the labeler
This labeler cost about $20 from any office supply store. It prints laminated tape which looks professional and cleans off easily. It resticks too if you want to move it. The labels are relatively small. See what the labels look like under Pantry Organization.
- Packing tape gun & Packing tape.Laminate labels made with white copy paper and laminate them on the container with packing tape so the labels stay clean.
Notice the large labeled totes for basketballs, toilet paper, and paper towels that makes it easy for even small children to put away items correctly. Making professional looking labels is worth the time and effort because printed labels are easy to read, they look professional, and once laminated they are easy to clean and maintain. The great thing with a computer is that the labels can be large which makes it easier to organize.
- Black Sharpee markers & Masking tape.Markers and tape are important for labeling items when there isn’t time for professional printed labels to be made.
- Assorted totes and rectangular containers, boxes, & baskets
These toy bins work great and notice the awesome labels keep everything organized.
- Control binde
A control binder is a household binder that has important weekly items for your weekly planning hour. It has a divider for each child, forms for family council meetings, menu plans, household projects, Christmas ideas, holiday plans, etc.
- Daily planner
- Put away baskets for each person could be a basket, a cubbie, a locker, or dishpan for each person’s items. Make sure to label the put away basket and create a home for it. Also having an upstairs and downstairs put away pan is a handy trick to clean rooms quick and deliver items elsewhere later.You can purchase many of these items in our secure Amazon Organization Store under Organization Supplies. You need the right tools. Men let themselves get the right tools to fix the home, likewise you deserve to have the right tools to clean and organize your home.
You Can Do It!